- Accounting (CPT)
- Administration (ADM)
- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing (AMM)
- African Studies (AFR)
- Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE)
- Anatomy and Neurobiology (ANA)
- Anatomy and Physiology (ANP)
- Anesthesiology (ANE)
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Arabic Language and Culture (ARB)
- Arts Co-op (ACP)
- Arts, Music, Theatre (AMT)
- Asian Studies (ASI)
- Bilingualism Studies (BIL)
- Biochemistry (BCH)
- Bioinformatics (BNF)
- Biology (BIO)
- Biomedical Engineering (BMG)
- Biomedical Science (BIM)
- Biomolecular Sciences (BML)
- Biopharmaceutical Science (BPS)
- Canadian Studies (CDN)
- Cardio-Respiratory Systems (CTS)
- Cellular and Molecular Medicine (CMM)
- Celtic Studies (CLT)
- Chemical and Environmental Toxicology (TOX)
- Chemical Engineering (CHG)
- Chemistry (CHM)
- Chinese (CHN)
- Civil Engineering (CVG)
- Civil Law (DRC)
- Classical Studies (CLA)
- Classics (LCL)
- Clinical Rotation (CLI)
- Common Law (CML)
- Communication (CMN)
- Complex Project Leadership (CPL)
- Computer Engineering (CEG)
- Computer Science (CSI)
- Conflict Studies and Human Rights (ECH)
- Criminology (CRM)
- Cybersecurity (SEC)
- Data Science (SDS)
- Digital Cultures (DCN)
- Digital Transformation and Innovation (DTI)
- Doctoral Thesis (THD)
- Economics (ECO)
- Education (EDU)
- Education (PED)
- Elective Courses in Medicine (ELE)
- Electrical Engineering (ELG)
- Engineering Co-op (CGI)
- Engineering Design and Teaching Innovation (SED)
- Engineering Management (EMP)
- English (ENG)
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Entrepreneurial Engineering Design (EED)
- Environmental Engineering (EVG)
- Environmental Science (EVS)
- Environmental Studies (ENV)
- Environmental Sustainability (EVD)
- Epidemiology and Public Health (EPI)
- Family Medicine (FAM)
- Feminist and Gender Studies (FEM)
- Film Studies (CIN)
- Food and Nutrition (NUT)
- Francophone Studies (EFR)
- French as a Second Language (FLS)
- French Studies (FRE)
- Gastroenteritis (GAE)
- General Engineering (GNG)
- General Surgery (GSU)
- Geography (GEG)
- Geology (GEO)
- German Language and Culture (ALG)
- Gerontology (GRT)
- Health Administration (HAH)
- Health Administration (MHA)
- Health Sciences (HSS)
- Health Sciences (SSP)
- Health Systems (MHS)
- History (HIS)
- Human and Molecular Genetics (HMG)
- Human Kinetics (APA)
- Immunology (IMM)
- Indigenous Languages (ILA)
- Indigenous Studies (EAS)
- Information Studies (ISI)
- Information Technology (ITI)
- Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence (IAI)
- Interdisciplinary Study in Arts (AHL)
- International Development and Globalization (DVM)
- Interprofessional Health Care Practice (SAI)
- Italian Language and Culture (ITA)
- Latin American Studies (ELA)
- Law (Certificate) (DCC)
- Law (DCL)
- Leisure Studies (LSR)
- Lettres françaises (FRA)
- Linguistics (LIN)
- Major Research Paper (MRP)
- Management (MGT)
- Master's Thesis (THM)
- Mathematics (MAT)
- MBA Program (MBA)
- Mechanical Engineering (MCG)
- Medical Intern or Resident (INR)
- Medicine (MED)
- Medicine (PCS)
- Medieval Studies (MDV)
- Microbiology and Immunology (MIC)
- Modern Languages (LLM)
- Music (MUS)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBG)
- Occupational Therapy (ERG)
- Ophthalmic Medical Technology (OMT)
- Ophthalmology (OPH)
- Orthopaedic Pathology (ORT)
- Pathology and Experimental Medicine (PME)
- Pediatrics (PAE)
- Pharmacology (PHA)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Physics (PHY)
- Physiology (PHS)
- Physiotherapy (PHT)
- Polish (PLN)
- Political Science (POL)
- Population Health (POP)
- Population Health Risk Assessment and Management (PHR)
- Portuguese (POR)
- Pre-internship Program (PIP)
- Psychiatry (PCT)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Public Administration (PAP)
- Public and International Affairs (API)
- Public Health
- Radiology (RAD)
- Rehabilitation Sciences (REA)
- Religious Studies (SRS)
- Research Internship (RCH)
- Russian Language and Culture (RUS)
- Science (General) (SCI)
- Science, Society and Policy (ISP)
- Second-Language Teaching (DLS)
- Social Sciences (FSS)
- Social Sciences (SCS)
- Social Sciences of Health (SSS)
- Social Work (TSO)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Software Engineering (SEG)
- Spanish (ESP)
- Speech-Language Pathology (ORA)
- Systems Science (SYS)