The study of public administration seeks to advance our understanding of how governments work and of their role in contemporary societies. It examines public management principles from various perspectives (administration, financial management, human resources, ethics, administrative reforms, governance, etc.) and the processes involved in designing public policies (policy cycle, roles of various stakeholders, ideologies, contextual factors, etc.). The program offers a high-quality education to students seeking a career in the public or para-public sectors, as well as those who seek to work in the private or non-profit sectors, or in government relations.
This program is offered in English and in French.
The table below includes only discipline-specific courses. Please refer to the Academic Regulations for information on including a minor to your degree.
Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2023-2024 calendars for the previous requirements.
Code | Title | Units |
Compulsory course at the 1000 level | ||
PAP 1301 | Introduction to Public Administration | 3 Units |
Compulsory courses at the 2000 level | ||
PAP 2300 | Introduction to Public Policy Analysis | 3 Units |
PAP 2320 | Introduction to Public Management | 3 Units |
Optional Courses | ||
15 optional course units from the list of optional courses | 15 Units | |
6 optional course units in public administration (PAP) at the 3000 or 4000 level from the list of optional courses | 6 Units | |
Total: | 30 Units |
List of Optional Courses
Code | Title | Units |
ECO 1102 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 3 Units |
ECO 1104 | Introduction to Microeconomics | 3 Units |
ECO 2110 | Microeconomic Analysis of the Public Sector | 3 Units |
ECO 2111 | Economics of Women's Issues | 3 Units |
ECO 2114 | Introduction to Labour and Population Economics | 3 Units |
ECO 2115 | Introduction to Money and Banking | 3 Units |
ECO 2118 | Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resources Economics | 3 Units |
ECO 2121 | Introduction to International Economics | 3 Units |
ECO 2147 | Analysis of Economic and Social Data | 3 Units |
FEM 2107 | Diversities of Women: Gender, Race, Class and (Dis)ability | 3 Units |
PAP 3325 | Gender and Public Policy | 3 Units |
PAP 3340 | Human Resources in Public Organizations | 3 Units |
PAP 3345 | Governance and the Nonprofit Sector | 3 Units |
PAP 3350 | Sectoral Issues in Public Policy | 3 Units |
PAP 3360 | Managing Difference | 3 Units |
PAP 3365 | Law and Public Administration | 3 Units |
PAP 4310 | Principles, Processes and Methods of Evaluation | 3 Units |
PAP 4315 | Public Policy Analysis | 3 Units |
PAP 4320 | Negotiation, Collaboration and Private-Public Partnerships | 3 Units |
PAP 4330 | Administrative Reforms | 3 Units |
PAP 4340 | Selected Topic in Public Policy | 3 Units |
PAP 4350 | Project Management in the Public Sector | 3 Units |
PAP 4355 | Ethics and Public Affairs | 3 Units |
PAP 4360 | Seminar in Strategic Public Management | 3 Units |
PAP 4365 | Integration Seminar in Public Administration | 3 Units |
POL 1101 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 Units |
POL 3125 | Urban Politics in Canada | 3 Units |
POL 3159 | Indigenous Politics in Canada | 3 Units |
POL 4134 | Law, Politics, and the Constitution in Canada | 3 Units |
POL 4154 | Parliamentary Government in Canada | 3 Units |
POL 4162 | Health Politics and Policy in Canada | 3 Units |
SOC 2101 | Sociological Approaches to Health, Illness and Medicine | 3 Units |
SOC 2104 | Gender and Society | 3 Units |
SOC 2309 | Canadian Society | 3 Units |
SOC 2312 | Political Sociology | 3 Units |
SOC 3105 | Environmental Sociology | 3 Units |
SOC 3116 | Technology Society | 3 Units |
SOC 3137 | Sociology of Minority Groups | 3 Units |
SOC 3308 | Sociology of Work | 3 Units |
TSO 2520 | État-providence, politiques sociales et travail social | 3 Units |
TSO 3555 | Décolonisation et intervention auprès des peuples autochtones | 3 Units |
TSO 4565 | Politiques familiales et travail social | 3 Units |