The Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences and the Master of Health Sciences in Speech-Language Pathology are offered in French.
Also, the Bachelor's and Master's dual degree programs in Health Sciences have been designed for bilingual students.
Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences
The Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences program is defined by its integrative approach for studying health. Students are provided with a foundational biosciences core, research analytical skills training in a range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies within a broader interdisciplinary context of the social and environmental determinants of health. This unique academic approach allows students to discover innovative ways to examine, measure and unravel complex health problems at all life stages, in Canada and around the world.
Future health professionals will be challenged to understand biological, environmental and social factors, both in isolation and as interactive health determinants. The curriculum contains a research methodologies core to provide students with applied, quantitative and qualitative transferrable skills for post-graduate training or employment.
Graduates will be well-prepared to undertake health related MSc programs or pursue careers in public or private health agencies, non-governmental health organizations or in community health programs. Students are provided with the necessary foundation for further studies in medicine, rehabilitation studies, dentistry or pharmacy. Our interdisciplinary focus enhances the quality and maturity of future clinicians and health professionals
Master of Health Sciences Speech-Language Pathology
The Faculty of Health Sciences' Audiology and Speech- Language Pathology Program is a graduate level program leading to the Master of Health Sciences (MSc) degree in Audiology or Speech-Language Pathology. It offers specialized training in the field of communication disorders and aims to train competent health professionals to meet the needs of the Francophone population of Ontario and, more broadly, the needs of Francophone communities in the bilingual and multicultural Canadian context.
The Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Program offers two streams of graduate study: audiology and speech-language pathology.
The speech-language pathology stream of the program aims to train professionals who have expertise in the field of normal development of human communication and who evaluate and treat disorders of speech, language and oropharyngeal function. Speech-language pathologists work in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, schools, and rehabilitation centers. They work with preschool and school aged children as well as with adolescents, adults, and seniors. Their professional activities include testing, assessment, counseling, managing care, rehabilitation, training, consulting with other professionals, research, teaching and administration.
The curriculum follows the standards established by the Council for Accreditation of Canadian University Programs in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CACUP-ASLP.)
Admission to the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Program is limited. The program is structured over two years (24 consecutive months) and includes six mandatory terms of full-time study, including clinical placements. Clinical placements may be held in hospitals, school boards, and rehabilitation centers, private clinics and other settings.
- Admission to a dual fast-track degree program does not guarantee entry into the master’s program.
- The minimum cumulative grade point average required for good academic standing is 8.5.
- By the end of February of the 3rd year of study:
- Have passed language proficiency tests in French and in English.1 AND
- Have a satisfactory score on a personal characteristics test (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics (CASPer)).1, 2
- 1
Candidates are responsible for any fees associated with the CASPer and language tests.
- 2
The CASPer exam can be completed in either French or English, depending on the candidate's preference.
Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2023-2024 calendars for the previous requirements.
The minimum C.G.P.A. required for good academic standing is 8.5.
Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences
Code | Title | Units |
Compulsory courses at the 1000 level | ||
ANP 1505 | Anatomie humaine et physiologie I | 3 Units |
ANP 1506 | Anatomie humaine et physiologie II | 3 Units |
BIO 1540 | Introduction à la biologie cellulaire et moléculaire | 3 Units |
CHM 1711 | Principes de chimie | 3 Units |
FRA 1710 | Analyse, écriture et argumentation I | 3 Units |
HSS 1500 | Microbiologie et immunologie | 3 Units |
HSS 1501 | Déterminants de la santé | 3 Units |
LIN 1715 | Introduction à la linguistique | 3 Units |
PSY 1501 | Introduction à la psychologie : fondements | 3 Units |
SOC 1501 | Éléments de sociologie | 3 Units |
Compulsory courses at the 2000 level | ||
HSS 2502 | Communication et santé | 3 Units |
HSS 2525 | Introduction à l'analyse du son pour les sciences de la parole et l'ouïe | 3 Units |
HSS 2705 | Mécanismes moléculaires des maladies | 3 Units |
HSS 2721 | Perspectives sociopolitiques et économiques de la santé | 3 Units |
HSS 2781 | Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé: variables continues | 3 Units |
HSS 2782 | Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé: variables catégorielles | 3 Units |
LIN 2710 | Introduction à la syntaxe | 3 Units |
LIN 2720 | Introduction à la phonologie | 3 Units |
PHI 2796 | Bioéthique | 3 Units |
PSY 2514 | Psychologie du développement de la naissance à la mort | 3 Units |
Compulsory courses at the 3000 level | ||
HSS 3501 | Recherche en santé : approches qualitative et quantitative | 3 Units |
HSS 3503 | Expérience de la maladie, de la déficience et du handicap | 3 Units |
HSS 3506 | Pharmacologie : Mécanismes d'action et observance de la prise des médicaments | 3 Units |
HSS 3510 | Épidémiologie | 3 Units |
HSS 3703 | Environnement et santé | 3 Units |
HSS 3705 | Pathophysiologie des problèmes de santé | 3 Units |
Compulsory courses at the 4000 level | ||
HSS 4501 | Élaboration et évaluation de programmes en santé | 3 Units |
HSS 4502 | Origines développementales de la santé et des maladies | 3 Units |
Optional Courses | ||
3 optional course units in linguistics (LIN) at the 3000 or 4000 level | 3 Units | |
3 optional course units in science offered by the Faculty of Science | 3 Units | |
Total: | 90 Units |
A maximum of 42 course units at the 1000 level is permitted.
Master of Health Sciences Speech-Language Pathology
Master’s with Research Project and Practicums
Code | Title | Units |
Compulsory Courses | ||
ORA 5512 | Sciences de la parole appliquées à l'orthophonie | 3 Units |
ORA 5513 | Anatomie et physiologie appliquées à l'orthophonie | 3 Units |
ORA 5520 | Fondements scientifiques de la recherche en audiologie et en orthophonie | 3 Units |
ORA 6524 | Troubles de la communication liés aux troubles d'audition | 3 Units |
ORA 6710 | Concepts d'audiologie pertinents à l'orthophonie | 3 Units |
ORA 6713 | Troubles développementaux du langage en petite enfance | 3 Units |
ORA 6721 | Troubles développementaux des sons de la parole | 3 Units |
ORA 6723 | Troubles développementaux du language en milieu scolaire | 3 Units |
ORA 6724 | Aphasies | 3 Units |
ORA 6741 | Troubles acquis de la parole | 3 Units |
ORA 6742 | Troubles de la fluidité | 3 Units |
ORA 6743 | Troubles de la voix | 3 Units |
ORA 6744 | Troubles de la communication des clientèles spécifiques | 3 Units |
ORA 6745 | Suppléance à la communication orale et écrite | 3 Units |
ORA 6746 | Développement et fonctionnement typiques de la communication et de la déglutition | 3 Units |
ORA 6752 | Troubles de la déglutition et alimentation | 3 Units |
ORA 6753 | Troubles cognitivo-linguistiques acquis | 3 Units |
REA 5703 | Pratiques professionnelles en réadaptation | 3 Units |
REA 6503 | Pratique factuelle en réadaptation | 3 Units |
Research Project | ||
ORA 5545 | Projet de recherche | 3 Units |
Clinical Placements 1 | ||
ORA 5519 | Stage I | |
ORA 5529 | Stage II A - Domaine d’étude | |
ORA 5539 | Stage II B - Domaine d’étude connexe | |
ORA 5549 | Stage III | |
ORA 5559 | Stage IV | |
ORA 5660 | Stage V | |
ORA 6503 | Stage en voix | |
Total: | 60 Units |
- 1
The clinical placements ORA 5519, ORA 5529, ORA 5539, ORA 5549, ORA 5559, ORA 5660 and ORA 6503 are compulsory represent a progression towards the clinical skills required for entry into practice of the profession. Because of the particularities of the clinical setting, it is possible that over the course of a mandatory placement, a student does not have access to the population that allows them to obtain the required number of hours in a specific field area of practice. In such cases a complementary placement in that area of practice may be required. The complementary clinical placement becomes a requirement of the program and must be passed.
Specific Requirements for the Master's Program
Minimum Requirements
The passing grade in all courses is C+. A grade of C+ in three or more courses in the same term results in withdrawal from the program. S (Satisfactory) is required for each clinical placement.
Two failures (course or clinical placement) result in withdrawal from the program. In the case of a single failure, the failed course or clinical placement can be repeated the next time the course is offered, but enrollment for courses or clinical placements for which the failed course or clinical placement is a prerequisite will not be possible. In this case, it will not be possible to complete the program within the prescribed time. Failing the repeated course or clinical placement is considered a second failure.
Duration of the Program
The program is spread over 6 consecutive full-time terms. All program requirements are expected to be complete, including the Research Project (ORA 5545), within a two-year period.
Expected Professional Behaviour
You must comply with the requirements of integrity as well as professional ethics in all aspects of your program (courses, clinical placements, projects) during your interactions with colleagues, professors, clinical supervisors, clients, research participants, academic staff, etc. The essential requirements of the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Program can be found here. A list of essential skills and qualities for speech-language pathology studies can be found here.
Requirements for Clinical Placements
You must adhere to the requirements established by the Faculty of Health Sciences Requirements for practical learning activities (courses, labs, internships and clinical placements) regarding immunizations, police records and any other training or information required to ensure health and safety in clinical placement settings. It is your responsibility to know these requirements and to abide by them.
Non-adherence to the requirements can have major consequences, including not being able to start a clinical placement and even withdrawal during a clinical placement.
Attendance at clinical placements is mandatory, the abandonment of a clinical placement already started without good reason is a failure. In accordance with the affiliation agreement between the University of Ottawa and the clinical institution: "The organization may terminate an internship in a clinical setting and prohibit a student from continuing it if, in its opinion, the student’s behavior represents a potential danger to its customers or patients or has a negative impact on their well-being or on the personnel of the organization ". If you are dismissed from a clinical placement by the clinical organization, you will receive a failing grade for this clinical placement.
The clinical placements take place in the Ottawa region as well as in other parts of Ontario and Canada. You may be assigned to a local or out-of-area clinical placement. In some cases, the Consortium National de Formation en Santé (CNFS) may covert part of the travel costs for out-of-area clinical placements.