Psychiatrie (PCT)

Les cours suivants sont offerts par la Faculté de médecine.

PCT 6101 Clinical Psychopathology (1 unit)

Clinical Psychopathology (psychopathological phenomena). Systematic study of psychiatric signs and symptoms observed in the clinical interview and mental status examinations.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6102 Neurosis and Psychosis (1 unit)

Symptomatology and ethiopathogenesis of neurotic and psychotic states.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6103 Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice (1 unit)

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6104 Basic Psychopharmacology (1 unit)

A lecture course offered in collaboration with staff from the Department of Pharmacology on fundamentals of psychopharmacology; nature, mode and sight of action of psychotropic drugs.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6105 Group Psychodynamics and Group Psychotherapy (1 unit)

Understanding of group phenomena, working of the groups, psychopathological phenomena in the group setting and psychotherapeutic use of drugs.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6106 Organic Brain Syndrome (1 unit)

Symptomatology neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of acute and chronic organic brain syndrome, e.g. dementia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, deliria, etc.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6107 Systomat and Ethiopat. Neur. and Psy. Sta. (1 unit)

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6108 Personality Disorders and Sexual Deviations (1 unit)

Symptomatology and ethiopathogenesis of these conditions.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 6109 Normal Psychosexual Development (1 unit)

Detailed description and study of normal development from birth to late adolescence with implication for adult adjustment.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7101 Limbic System (1 unit)

This course is aimed at describing the limbic system in the most precis detail, its neurophysiology as well as its importance for development o psychopathological phenomena, psychopharmacological cites as well as implications for emotional states.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7102 Psychophysiology and Psychosomatics (1 unit)

Inter-relationship between physical, metabolic, endocrinological and psychological structures with special emphasis on conditions generally believed to be psychologically induced as well as those physical conditions resulting in psychological aberrations.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7103 Neurology for Psychiatrics (1 unit)

Most common neurological findings in psychiatric conditions. Basic neurological investigations of psychiatric patients. Neurological conditions presenting with psychiatric symptomatology.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7104 Sociology, Anthropology and Trans-Cultural Psychiatry (1 unit)

Relevant topics in sociology and anthropology are outlined with transcultural research in the last two decades, retrospectively reviewed.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7105 Community Psychiatry (1 unit)

Different roles that the clinical psychiatrist can play as a consultant to various community organizations in both rural and urban conditions.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7106 Introduction to Child Psychiatry (1 unit)

Basic understanding of psychopathological phenomena in childhood with most common conditions described and explained.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7107 Forensic Psychiatry (1 unit)

The role of a psychiatrist in evaluating persons involved in criminal o civil legal proceedings.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7108 Different Schools of Psychiatry (1 unit)

Systematic study of major schools of psychiatry, parallelism and differences.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7109 Clinical Psychology for Psychiatrists (1 unit)

The use of psychological testing in studying psychiatric patients.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7301 Death and Dying (1 unit)

Emphasis on phenomena surrounding the dying patient, handling of the patient as well as members of the family, development of tolerance in the physician involved in treatment of the dying patient.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7302 History of Psychiatry (1 unit)

Outline of history of psychiatry from the time of "demonological" to recent scientific approach to the discipline of psychiatry.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7303 Therapy of Sexual Disorders (1 unit)

Most common sexual inadequacies; description, ethiopathogenesis and treatment.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7304 Sleep and Dreams (1 unit)

Relevant research on the importance of sleep and dreams in psychopathological states.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7305 Mental Retardation (1 unit)

Symptomatology, ethiopathogenesis and treatment of retarded individuals from childhood to adult life.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7306 Obesity (1 unit)

Ethiopathogenesis and treatment of the obese patient.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7307 Geriatric Psychiatry (1 unit)

Symptomatology, ethipathogenesis and treatment of most common psychiatric disorders in the aging population.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 7308 Behaviour Modification and Biofeedback (1 unit)

Application of learning theory to psychiatric disorders as well as biofeedback techniques in psychiatric, as well as psychophysiological disorders.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 8101 Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis and Psychosis (1 unit)

Basic teachings of Sigmund Freud and his followers on the understanding neurosis and psychosis.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 8102 Family Psychodynamics (1 unit)

Interactional phenomena in healthy and disturbed families, the method of observation and therapeutic use of psychodynamic understanding of family phenomena.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 8103 Child Psychiatry (1 unit)

Intermediate course in child psychopathology, psychotherapy as well as management of cases with the help of family and community agencies.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 8104 Advanced Psychopharmacology (1 unit)

A lecture course offered in collaboration with staff from the Department of Pharmacology on psychopharmacological theories in contemporary drug treatment with particular emphasis on catecholamines and neurotransmitters.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 8105 Research Methodology (1 unit)

Basic rules in scientific and particularly clinical research.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 8106 Application of Psychoanalytic Theory (1 unit)

Indications and contra-indications for psychoanalytic treatment. Psychoanalysis as an interpersonal process; use of the therapists' self in the corrective emotional experience.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 9101 Psychoanalytic Theory, Personality Disorders and Addictions (1 unit)

Psychoanalytic understanding of these disturbances with recent research findings and therapeutic guidelines.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 9102 Consultations and Liaison Psychiatry (1 unit)

The psychiatrist as consultant to non-psychiatric physicians and surgeons. Most common conditions under which a psychiatrist is called are described and management of cases discussed.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 9301 Advanced Suicidology (1 unit)

Recent research findings on patients that attempted suicide. Sociological psychological and psychophysiological findings are integrated into a comprehensive theory and practice of suicide prevention.

Course Component: Lecture

PCT 9302 Ethology (1 unit)

Relevant findings in animal research with implications for human psychology and psychopathology.

Course Component: Lecture

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