Ophtalmologie (OPH)

Les cours suivants sont offerts par la Faculté des sciences.

OPH 6101 Optics and Refraction (2 units)

Forty hours of lectures on physiological optics and refraction annually Included are lectures on geometrical and physical optics, the optics of the eye, color, space perception and photometry. Basic factors and clinical aspects of refraction, low vision aids and contact lenses are included in this course.

Course Component: Lecture

OPH 6102 Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit (2 units)

A twenty-four hour course in dissection and demonstration of the structures of the eye, orbit and contiguous structures is given annually. Dissection notes and directions are provided for each student.

Course Component: Lecture

OPH 6103 Embryology of the Eye and Orbit (1 unit)

A course of 18 hours with audio visual demonstration is given annually on the embryology of the eye and orbit with discussion on related clinical problems.

Course Component: Lecture

OPH 6104 Clinical Ophthalmology (2 units)

Weekly lectures and demonstrations in ophthalmological diseases and problem solving cases are spread over a three year training program. This course includes the most recent advances in diagnosis and treatment in the specialty.

Course Component: Lecture

OPH 6201 Physiology and Biochemistry of the Eye (9 units)

Approximately 100 hours on the physiology of the lacrimal system, cornea, extraocular muscles, intraocular pressure, ocular circulation, aqueous, vitreous, lens accommodation, iris and pupil, retina and optic nerve electrical phenomena in the retina, binocular vision and visual adaptation are given during the first semester annually.

Course Component: Lecture

OPH 6202 Ocular Histology and Pathology (4 units)

A total of 60 sessions are given over a three-year period. Cutting of globes, fixation and study of pathological anatomy and clinical applications are considered.

Course Component: Lecture

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