Since it deals mainly with issues that have no simple solutions, philosophy emphasizes the exchange of ideas and debate, and thus cultivates an appetite for deep and serious reflection. By reading and discussing the works of the world's great thinkers on fundamental topics like truth, justice, morality and existence, you sharpen your own ability to think clearly, critically and independently. The Department's curriculum has a twin approach, historical and analytical, and covers political and social philosophy, ethics, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and logic.
The Department of Philosophy also offers programs in Ethics and Political Philosophy, and a minor in Applied Ethics.
This program is offered in English and in French.
The table below includes only the discipline-specific courses. Please refer to the Academic Regulations for information on the Honours bachelor's with double major and the Honours bachelor's with major and minor.
The French immersion stream is available when taken as part of an honours degree.
Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2024-2025 calendars for the previous requirements.
Code | Title | Units |
Basic skills | ||
3 course units from: | 3 Units | |
Reasoning and Critical Thinking | ||
Philosophy: Ideas and Arguments | ||
3 course units from: | 3 Units | |
Moral Reasoning | ||
Fundamental Philosophical Questions | ||
Great Philosophers | ||
Philosophy: Themes and Texts | ||
Compulsory Courses | ||
PHI 2170 | Logic I | 3 Units |
Optional Courses | ||
3 course units from: | 3 Units | |
Ethics | ||
Political Philosophy | ||
6 course units from: | 6 Units | |
Greek Philosophy | ||
Medieval Philosophy | ||
Modern Philosophy | ||
3 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) from List A | 3 Units | |
3 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) from List C | 3 Units | |
3 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) from List A at the 3000 or 4000 level | 3 Units | |
6 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) from List B at the 3000 or 4000 level | 6 Units | |
3 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) from List C at the 3000 or 4000 level | 3 Units | |
6 optional course units in philosophy (PHI) at the 4000 level | 6 Units | |
Total: | 42 Units |
List of Optional Courses
Code | Title | Units |
List A - History of Philosophy | ||
PHI 2122 | Ancient Wisdoms | 3 Units |
PHI 2380 | Greek Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 2381 | Arabic Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 2382 | Medieval Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 2383 | Modern Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 2386 | Existentialism | 3 Units |
PHI 2387 | Philosophy of the Enlightenment | 3 Units |
PHI 2389 | Asian Philosophy 1 | 3 Units |
PHI 3108 | Texts in Modern Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 3375 | The Great Figures of Ancient Greek Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 3377 | Continental Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 3386 | 19th Century Philosophy 1 | 3 Units |
PHI 3398 | Analytic Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 4301 | Seminar in the History of Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 4302 | Texts in the History of Philosophy | 3 Units |
Code | Title | Units |
List B - Metaphysics, Logic, and Theory of Knowledge | ||
PHI 2125 | Philosophy of Cognitive Science | 3 Units |
PHI 2172 | Philosophy of Mind | 3 Units |
PHI 2186 | Philosophy of the Social Sciences | 3 Units |
PHI 2190 | Philosophy of Religion | 3 Units |
PHI 2197 | Philosophy of History | 3 Units |
PHI 2391 | Philosophy of Science | 3 Units |
PHI 2392 | Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art | 3 Units |
PHI 3170 | Theory of Knowledge | 3 Units |
PHI 3171 | Logic II 1 | 3 Units |
PHI 3174 | Topics in Metaphysics | 3 Units |
PHI 3391 | Philosophy of Language | 3 Units |
PHI 4101 | Special Topics 1 | 3 Units |
PHI 4103 | Texts in Metaphysics and Epistemology 1 | 3 Units |
Code | Title | Units |
List C - Ethics and Political Philosophy | ||
PHI 2100 | Animal Ethics | 3 Units |
PHI 2174 | Ethics | 3 Units |
PHI 2183 | Political Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 2385 | Ethical Questions | 3 Units |
PHI 2390 | Philosophy of Feminism and Gender | 3 Units |
PHI 2393 | Philosophy of Culture | 3 Units |
PHI 2394 | Scientific Thought and Social Values | 3 Units |
PHI 2395 | Philosophy of Law | 3 Units |
PHI 2396 | Bioethics | 3 Units |
PHI 2397 | Business Ethics | 3 Units |
PHI 2398 | Environmental Ethics | 3 Units |
PHI 2399 | Questions in Political Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 3164 | Contemporary Ethical Theories | 3 Units |
PHI 3165 | Contemporary Political Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 4164 | Texts in Ethics and Political Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 4311 | Problems in Contemporary Political Philosophy | 3 Units |
PHI 4312 | Problems in Contemporary Ethics | 3 Units |
- 1
Variable theme course which may be taken more than once provided that the themes differ.