The School of Translation and Interpretation (STI) offers graduate programs leading to the degrees of Masters of arts in translation studies (MA), Master in Conference Interpreting (MCI) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in translation studies.
The master of Conference Interpreting is a professionally-oriented graduate program intended for graduates who wish to specialize in conference interpreting, which is a branch of the translation profession requiring intensive training. The program is intended for full-time students.
The aim of the program is to train interpreters primarily for the Canadian market. Therefore all courses will be conducted in either English or French. All students are expected to interpret both from English into French and from French into English, although it is recognized that they may not achieve equal proficiency in both directions.
The programs are governed by the academic regulations in effect of graduate studies.
For the most accurate and up to date information on application deadlines, language tests and other admission requirements, please visit the specific requirements webpage.
To be admitted to the master's, candidates must:
- hold an honours bachelor's degree;
- have an admission average of B (70%) calculated in accordance with graduate studies guidelines; and
- have successfully completed the STI entrance examination.
Admission Procedure
In addition to completing our on-line application and paying the application fee to the Ontario Universities' Application Centre, students must also assemble all relevant documentation and forward the complete application package to the director of the School of Translation and Interpretation. Applications will not be processed without the application fee and complete file.
To find the application deadline, please check the "program-specific requirements" under Application Procedures and Information at the following address:
Entrance Examination
Applicants will be required to take an entrance examination which will test their linguistic skills, aptitude for interpretation and general knowledge.
The offer of admission is valid for one year. If applicants have not enrolled in the program by the end of this period, they will have to sit the entrance examination again.
The master's degree requires 42 units as follows:
Code | Title | Units |
Compulsory Courses: | ||
TRA 5951 | Consecutive Interpretation from English to French | 3 Units |
TRA 5952 | Consecutive Interpretation from French to English | 3 Units |
TRA 5921 | Conference Documentation I | 3 Units |
TRA 6907 | Interpretation Theory | 3 Units |
TRA 6950 | Simultaneous Interpretation from English to French | 3 Units |
TRA 6951 | Simultaneous Interpretation from French to English | 3 Units |
TRA 6913 | Special Topics 1 | 3 Units |
Workshop Laboratories: | ||
TRA 5970 | Consecutive Interpretation Workshop from English to French | 3 Units |
TRA 5971 | Consecutive Interpretation Workshop from French to English | 3 Units |
TRA 5972 | Interpretation Into French | 3 Units |
TRA 5973 | Interpretation Into English | 3 Units |
TRA 6970 | Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop from English to French II | 3 Units |
TRA 6971 | Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop from French to English | 3 Units |
Practicum: | ||
TRA 6910 | Practicum 2 | 3 Units |
Final Exam: | ||
TRA 6998 | Final Exam 3 |
- 1
Or a course deemed equivalent by the STI.
- 2
A minimum of five full working days (or equivalent time) as an interpreter at actual meetings or conferences approved by the practicum supervisor, with an attestation of satisfactory performance at each meeting. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of B in all simultaneous interpreting courses and workshops.
- 3
Examinations are conducted by a board of examiners appointed by the STI. Students are tested in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation and sight interpretation. Students must sit the final examination during the examination term that immediately follows the end of their practicum. The examination is only held once a year. Admission to the examination is conditional on having passed all courses and the practicum. Students who fail at the first attempt must retake the examination at the following examination term. Students who fail at the second attempt will be withdrawn from the program.
Duration of the Program
Students are expected to complete all requirements within two years.
Minimum Standards
The passing grade in all courses is B. Students who fail two courses (equivalent to 6 units) will be withdrawn from the program.
Research at the University of Ottawa
Located in the heart of Canada’s capital, a few steps away from Parliament Hill, the University of Ottawa ranks among Canada’s top 10 research universities. Our research is founded on excellence, relevance and impact and is conducted in a spirit of equity, diversity and inclusion.
Our research community thrives in four strategic areas:
- Creating a sustainable environment
- Advancing just societies
- Shaping the digital world
- Enabling lifelong health and wellness
From advancing healthcare solutions to tackling global challenges like climate change, the University of Ottawa’s researchers are at the forefront of innovation, making significant contributions to society and beyond.
Research at the Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Arts is proud of the state of the art research conducted by its professors. In the spirit of showcasing its research to the university community as well as to the general public, the Faculty has created three activities: Dean's Lecture Series, Treasures of the Library, and Excellence Lectures.
Facilities, Research Centres and Institutes at the Faculty of Arts
- Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française,
- Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies,
- Institute for Science, Society and Policy,
- Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)
- Morisset Library.
For more information, refer to the list of faculty members and their research fields on Uniweb
The School of Translation and Interpretation will be happy to send prospective students full course descriptions.
TRA 5102 Translation Theory (3 units)
A critical and comparative survey of the many theoretical approaches to understanding translation. Structuralist, descriptive, functionalist models, cultural, postcolonial, feminist and sociological approaches, and an overview of systems theory perspectives.
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 5103 Computers and Translation (3 units)
Overview of advanced computational aids for human translation, with some hands-on practice (e.g. terminology management, desk-top publishing, grammar checking). Survey of machine and machine-aided translation. Analysis of machine translation output.
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 5106 Language and Translation (3 units)
A historical and more contemporary survey of the linguistic concepts that are of use in translation studies and related fields.
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 5116 Translation Workshop (Chinese-English) (3 units)
An intensive advanced course in the translation of pragmatic texts from Chinese to English. Focus is on producing excellent English, the student second language.
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 5514 Terminologie transsystémique et documentation - bijuridisme et bilinguisme (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 5515 Traduction législative et réglementaire de l'anglais vers le français I (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 5524 Traduction judiciaire de l'anglais vers le français I - cours fédérales (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 5534 Traduction juridique spécialisée de l'anglais vers le français I - valeurs mobilières (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 5901 Histoire de la traduction / History of Translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5902 Théorie de la traduction / Translation Theory (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5903 Informatique et traduction / Computers and Translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5904 Interprétation practice I / Interpretation Pactice I
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5905 Lexicologie et terminologie et documentation / Lexicology, Terminology and Documentation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5906 Langue et traduction / Language and Translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5908 Interpretation Practice II / Interprétation Practice II
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5908S Formation pratique en interprétation II / Interpretation Practice II (2 crédits / 2 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5909 Pédagogie de la traduction / Didacting of Translator training (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Cours magistral / Lecture
TRA 5911 Interprétation judiciaire / Court Interpretation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5912 Traduction littéraire / Literary Translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5913 Adaptation / Adaptation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5914 Terminologie juridique bilingue / Bilingual Legal Terminology (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5916 Atelier de traduction I / Translation Workshop I (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5917 Atelier de traduction II / Translation Workshop II (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5918 Atelier de traduction III / Translation Workshop III (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5919 Atelier de traduction IV / Translation Workshop IV (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5920 Études dirigées I / Guided Research I (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 5921 Documentation de conférence I / Conference Documentation I (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5930 Études dirigées II / Guided Research (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 5941 Advanced translation from Spanish into English (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5942 Traduction avancée de l'espagnol vers le français (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5951 Interprétation consécutive de l'anglais vers le français / Consecutive Interpretation from English to French (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5952 Interprétation consécutive du français vers l'anglais / Consecutive Interpretation from French to English (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5955 Documentation and Terminology for Spanish translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 5970 Atelier d'interprétation consécutive de l'anglais vers le français / Consecutive Interpretation Workshop from English to French (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5971 Atelier d'interprétation consécutive de français vers l'anglais / Consecutive Interpretation Workshop from French to English (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5972 L'interprétation en français / Interpretation Into French (3 crédits / 3 units)
36 heures de formation pratique en laboratoire d'interprétation. Les candidats interprètent des discours prononcés au Parlement canadien ou à l'occasion de congrès ou réunions de l'administration fédérale et d'autres instances. L'enseignant fournit une rétroaction et des conseils sur les prestations des étudiants en prévision de l'examen final. Les discours choisis portent sur de nombreux thèmes, car une fois sur le marché du travail, les candidats seront appelés à interpréter dans une diversité de domaines. / 36 hours of practical training in a laboratory setting. Candidates interpret actual speeches delivered in Parliament and during federal government and other conferences/meetings, with the instructor providing feedback and advice individually and to the group in preparation for the final (diploma) examination. Many subject areas are covered, since candidates will be expected to interpret in a variety of fields once they are in the labour market.
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5973 L'interprétation en anglais / Interpretation Into English (3 crédits / 3 units)
36 heures de formation pratique en laboratoire d'interprétation. Les candidats interprètent des discours prononcés au Parlement canadien ou à l'occasion de congrès ou réunions de l'administration fédérale et d'autres instances. L'enseignant fournit une rétroaction et des conseils sur les prestations des étudiants en prévision de l'examen final. Les discours choisis portent sur de nombreux thèmes, car une fois sur le marché du travail, les candidats seront appelés à interpréter dans une diversité de domaines. / 36 hours of practical training in a laboratory setting. Candidates interpret actual speeches delivered in Parliament and during federal government and other conferences/meetings, with the instructor providing feedback and advice individually and to the group in preparation for the final (diploma) examination. Many subject areas are covered, since candidates will be expected to interpret in a variety of fields once they are in the labour market.
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 5998 Promotion examination / Promotion Examination
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 6102 Discourse and Translation (3 units)
A survey of conceptual models for the production, interpretation and reception of discourse as applied to translation. Enunciation, narration, argumentation. Pragmatics and sociocultural aspects of discourse.
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 6106 Technical and Other Specialized Translation (3 units)
This is an advanced course in technical and specialized translation into students' first language - from English to Chinese. It hones skills in translation, terminology, information-mining. (English-Chinese)
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 6111 Research Methods in Translation Studies (3 units)
Course covers research methods in translation studies
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 61111 Research Methods in Translation Studies (Part 1 of 2)
Course covers research methods in translation studies (Part 1 of 2)
Course Component: Seminar
TRA 61112 Research Methods in Translation Studies (Part 2 of 2) (3 units)
Course covers research methods in translation studies. (Part 2 of 2)
Course Component: Seminar
Prerequisite: TRA 61111
TRA 6515 Traduction législative et réglementaire de l'anglais vers le français II (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 6516 Traduction et révision juridique et parajuridique de l'anglais vers le français (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 6524 Traduction judiciaire de l'anglais vers le français II - cour suprême (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 6534 Traduction juridique spécialisée de l'anglais vers le français II - prospectus (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 6535 Traduction juridique spécialisée de l'anglais vers le français III - fusions et acquisitions (3 crédits)
Volet : Séminaire
TRA 6902 Discours et traduction / Discourse and Translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Panorama des notions de linguistique pertinentes pour l'étude de la traduction, ainsi que de concepts et modèles permettant la production, l'interprétation et la réception du discours dans l'optique de la traduction. Énonciation, narration, argumentation. Pragmatique et sociocritique du discours. / A survey of relevant linguistic notions for the study of translation, as well as conceptual models for the production, interpretation and reception of discourse as applied to translation. Enunciation, narration, argumentation. Pragmatics and sociocultural aspects of discourse.
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6903 Traduction automatique / Machine Translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
Prerequisite: TRA 5903
TRA 6905 Lexicologie, terminologie appliquée / Applied Lexicology and Terminology (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
Préalable: TRA 5905 / Prerequisite: TRA 5905 or permission of the professor.
TRA 6906 Traduction technique et spécialisée / Technical and Other Specialized Translation (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6907 Théorie de l'interprétation / Interpretation Theory (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6908 Lectures dirigées I / Guided Readings I (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 6910 Stage / Practicum (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Stage / Work Term
TRA 6911 Méthodologie de la recherche traductologique / Research Methods in Translation Studies (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 69111 Méthodologie de la recherche traductologique (Partie 1 de 2) / Research Methods in Translation Studies (Part 1 of 2)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 69112 Méthodologie de la recherche traductologique (Partie 2 de 2) / Research Methods in Translation Studies (Part 2 of 2) (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
Prerequisite: TRA 69111.
TRA 6912 Stage / Practicum (3 crédits / 3 units)
Intégration et application des acquis théoriques et méthodologiques à une expérience pratique dans un milieu professionnel où l'espagnol est l'une des langues de travail. Le stage, d'une durée de 25 jours ouvrables, se déroule sous la direction d'un professionnel de la traduction et doit être approuvé par l'ÉTI. Pour les modalités du stage, s'adresser à l'ÉTI. / Integration and application of theoretical and methodological knowledge to practical work in a professional environment where Spanish is one of the working languages. The practicum, which consists of 25 working days, is supervised by a translation professional and must be approved by the STI.
Volet / Course Component: Stage / Work Term
Préalable : avoir réussi tous les cours obligatoires du programme. / Prerequisite: successful completion of all the compulsory courses in the program.
TRA 6913 Thèmes choisis / Special Topics (3 crédits / 3 units)
Lectures et analyse critique sur un thème choisi en collaboration avec le professeur responsable. / Readings and critical analysis on a topic chosen in collaboration with the professor.
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6920 Études dirigées III / Guided Research III (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 6930 Études dirigées IV / Guided Research IV (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 6941 Advanced Translation from English Into Spanish (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6942 Traduction avancée du français vers l'espagnol (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6950 Interprétation simultanée de l'anglais vers le français / Simultaneous Interpretation from English to French (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
Préalables: TRA 5951, TRA 5970 / Prerequisites: TRA 5951, TRA 5970
TRA 6951 Interprétation simultanée du français vers l'anglais / Simultaneous Interpretation from French to English (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
Préalables: TRA 5952, TRA 5971 / Prerequisites: TRA 5952, TRA 5971
TRA 6952 Documentation de conférence II / Conference Documentation II (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6961 Specialized Translation from Spanish to English (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6962 Specialized Translation from English to Spanish (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6963 Traduction spécialisée de l'espagnol vers le français (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6964 Traduction spécialisée du français vers l'espagnol (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6970 Atelier d'interprétation simultanée de l'anglais vers le français / Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop from English to French II (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
Préalables: TRA 5951, TRA 5970 / Prerequisites: TRA 5951, TRA 5970
TRA 6971 Atelier d'interprétation simultanée de français vers l'anglais / Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop from French to English (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Théorie et laboratoire / Theory and Laboratory
TRA 6980 Séminaire de recherche I / Research Seminar I (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6981 Séminaire de recherche II / Research Seminar II (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6982 Séminaire de recherche III / Research Seminar III (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6983 Séminaire de recherche IV / Research Seminar IV (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6984 Courants actuels en traductologie I / Developments in Translation Studies I (3 crédits / 3 units)
Exploration des plus récents développements en traductologie dans la double optique des sciences humaines et des études interculturelles. / An intercultural and humanities-based perspective on contemporary trends in Translation Studies.
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6985 Courants actuels en traductologie II / Developments in Translation Studies II (3 crédits / 3 units)
Perspectives actuelles en études traductologiques : aspects terminologiques, lexicologiques, technologiques et domaines connexes. / Trends in Translation Studies, with a focus on developments in terminology, lexicology, technology and related fields.
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 6998 Examen final / Final Exam
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 7011 Stage / Practicum (6 crédits / 6 units)
Volet / Course Component: Stage / Work Term
TRA 7012 Traduction dirigée / Supervised Translation (6 crédits / 6 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 7013 Stage / Practicum (6 crédits / 6 units)
Stage supervisé en traduction ou terminologie espagnole d'une durée équivalente à 40 jours ouvrables dans un service de traduction ou de terminologie approuvé par l'ÉTI. Pour le détail des modalités, voir la feuille d'instructions distribuée par l'ÉTI. N.B. l'étudiant qui choisit ce stage ne pourra pas s'inscrire au stage de 3 cr. prévu parmi les cours au choix. Dans des cas très exceptionnels, l'équivalence pourra être accordée sur présentation d'un dossier de traductions (pour plus de détails, s'adresser à l'ÉTI. / Supervised practicum in Spanish translation or Spanish terminology lasting 40 working days in a translation or terminology service approved by the STI. For more details, please see the instruction sheet provided by the STI. N.B: The student who opts for this practicum cannot register for the 3 credit-practicum from among the optional courses. In highly exceptional cases, advanced standing can be granted upon presentation of a translation portfolio (for more details, please consult the STI).
Volet / Course Component: Stage / Work Term
Préalable : Réussir tous les cours ou obtenir la permission de l'ÉTI.
TRA 7195 Commented Translation (6 units)
A commented translation of not less than 5000 words, the exact length to be stipulated by the STI depending on the nature and difficulty of the text. The translation must be preceded by an introduction describing the text, the motivation for translating it and the translation approach used. It must be accompanied by a commentary demonstrating that the student has acquired the relevant theoretical and methodological background knowledge.Graded S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not satisfactory).
Course Component: Research
TRA 7196 Commented Terminology or Lexicography File (6 units)
Compilation of a term, lexeme or phrase file in two or more languages. The file must cover at least 15 concepts or 20 vocabulary items. It must be preceded by an introduction describing the motivation for the work, the methodology used and the subject field of the concepts or the vocabulary. It must be accompanied by a commentary demonstrating that the student has acquired the relevant theoretical and methodological background knowledge. Graded S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not satisfactory).
Course Component: Research
TRA 7197 Research Paper (6 units)
Research paper approximately 40 pages in length, focusing on a Translation Studies question chosen in consultation with the supervisor. Graded S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not satisfactory) by the supervisor and another professor in the program.
Course Component: Research
TRA 7911 Stage traduc. et termino. juri. / Stage traduc. et termino. juri. (6 crédits / 6 units)
Volet / Course Component: Stage / Work Term
TRA 7991 Traduction / Translation (9 crédits / 9 units)
Volet / Course Component: Cours magistral / Lecture
TRA 7995 Traduction commentée / Commented Translation (6 crédits / 6 units)
Une traduction d'au moins 5 000 mots, dont la longueur exacte sera établie par l'ÉTI en fonction de la nature et du degré de difficulté du texte choisi. La traduction est précédée d'une introduction dans laquelle le candidat présente le texte ainsi que ses objectifs et sa méthode. Elle est accompagnée de commentaires qui doivent manifester des connaissances théoriques et méthodologiques pertinentes. Noté S (satisfaisant) ou NS (non satisfaisant). / A commented translation of not less than 5000 words, the exact length to be stipulated by the STI depending on the nature and difficulty of the text. The translation must be preceded by an introduction describing the text, the motivation for translating it and the translation approach used. It must be accompanied by a commentary demonstrating that the student has acquired the relevant theoretical and methodological background knowledge. Graded S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not satisfactory).
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 7996 Fichier terminologique ou lexicographique commenté / Commented Terminology or Lexicography File (6 crédits / 6 units)
Constitution d'un fichier terminologique, lexicographique ou phraséologique bilingue ou multilingue et commenté. Ce fichier, comportant au moins 15 notions ou 20 entrées, est précédé d'une introduction dans laquelle le candidat présente ses objectifs, sa méthode et le domaine d'application. Il est accompagné de commentaires qui doivent s'appuyer sur des connaissances théoriques et méthodologiques pertinentes. Noté S (satisfaisant) ou NS (non satisfaisant). / Compilation of a term, lexeme or phrase file in two or more languages. The file must cover at least 15 concepts or 20 vocabulary items. It must be preceded by an introduction describing the motivation for the work, the methodology used and the subject field of the concepts or the vocabulary. It must be accompanied by a commentary demonstrating that the student has acquired the relevant theoretical and methodological background knowledge. Graded S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not satisfactory).
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 7997 Mémoire / Research Paper (6 crédits / 6 units)
Mémoire d'environ 40 pages portant sur une question choisie en consultation avec le directeur. Noté S (satisfaisant) ou NS (non satisfaisant) par le directeur et un autre professeur du programme. / Research paper approximately 40 pages in length, focusing on a Translation Studies question chosen in consultation with the supervisor. Graded S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not satisfactory) by the supervisor and another professor in the program.
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 7998 Travail de recherche / Research Paper (6 crédits / 6 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 8901 Séminaire de recherche en traduction / Translation Studies Seminar (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Séminaire / Seminar
TRA 8902 Études dirigées (PhD) / Guided Research (PhD) (3 crédits / 3 units)
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
Permission du Département est requise. / Permission of the Department is required.
TRA 9996 Examen de synthèse / Comprehensive Examination
Lecture et analyse d'une liste de lectures fondamentales en traductologie et domaines connexes. Examen écrit. / Reading and analysis of a list of fundamental readings in TS and related domains. Written exam.
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
TRA 9997 Soutenance de projet de thèse / Defence of Thesis Project
Préparation d'un projet de thèse présentant les éléments de base (objectifs, littérature, méthodologie) de la recherche proposée. Examen oral. / Preparation of a thesis proposal outlining the basic elements (objectives, literature, methodology) of the proposed research. Oral exam.
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research