- Degree offered: Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD)
- Registration status option: Full-time
- Language of instruction:
- French
- English
- Program option (expected duration of the program):
- with thesis (12 full-time terms; 48 consecutive months)
- Academic units: Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Rehabilitation Sciences.
Program Description
The degree prepares candidates from both professional and research backgrounds for a career involving research in rehabilitation sciences, including issues ranging from basic science questions to psychosocial repercussions of health conditions in a rehabilitation context. PhD graduates will develop independent and collaborative research skills and will be equipped to contribute to the knowledge base that informs the practice of rehabilitation professionals. This doctoral program in rehabilitation sciences is only available as an on campus program with no option for students to enroll in distance courses.
Main Areas of Research
- Impairment and rehabilitation: This field concerns the impact of motor, sensory, cognitive, and mental health impairments on the individual’s daily functioning. It includes research on fundamental views of disease and disease etiology as risks factors for eventual difficulties in functioning.
- The environment and rehabilitation: This field focuses on the way social and physical environmental factors can either enable or hinder an individual’s functioning.
- Participation in life situations and rehabilitation: This field focuses on how the individual is re-integrated into the community and takes part in life activities while gaining functional autonomy following the onset of disease, disorder, or trauma.
Other Programs Offered Within the Same Discipline or in a Related Area
- Master of Health Sciences Audiology (MScS)
- Master of Health Sciences Speech-Language Pathology (MScS)
- Master of Health Sciences Occupational Therapy (MScS)
- Master of Health Sciences Physiotherapy (MScS)
- Doctorate in Philosophy Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD) - Distance Option
Fees and Funding
- Program fees:
The estimated amount for university fees associated with this program are available under the section Finance your studies.
International students enrolled in a French-language program of study may be eligible for a differential tuition fee exemption.
- To learn about possibilities for financing your graduate studies, consult the Awards and financial support section.
- Programs are governed by the academic regulations in effect for graduate studies.
- In accordance with the University of Ottawa regulation, students have the right to complete their assignments, examinations, research papers, and theses in French or in English.
Program Contact Information
Academic Office, Faculty of Health Sciences
125 University Private, Room 242
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1N 6N5
For the most accurate and up to date information on application deadlines, language tests and other admission requirements, please visit the specific requirements webpage.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Have a master’s degree in a rehabilitation profession (Audiology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech-Language Pathology) or a related discipline (e.g., Engineering, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work). We will also consider applicants who wish to research areas related to disability and rehabilitation who have completed graduate work in other areas. Successful applicants must meet minimum requirements for graduate admission including an average of 75% (B+).
- Applicants from non-thesis master's degree programs (e.g., professional or course-based only) must submit at the time of application documentation demonstrating research competence either as part of their program of studies and/or through activities completed during practice. Students will be required to present a dossier demonstrating research skills that may include, publications in peer-reviewed journals, research reports, program development and evaluation reports, abstracts, presentations, or similar documents.
Note: International applicants must verify the admission equivalencies for the diploma they received in their country of origin.
- Identify at least one professor who is willing to supervise your research and thesis. It is recommended to contact potential thesis supervisors as soon as possible. A professor has to accept to serve as thesis supervisor and his or her confirmation is required at the time of the application. The program choice of on campus program must be confirmed with the thesis supervisor at the time of application.
Language Requirements
Understand and fluently speak the language of instruction (French or English) in the program you wish to apply. Proof of linguistic proficiency may be required.
Applicants whose first language is neither French nor English must provide proof of proficiency in the language of instruction. To be admitted, one of the two official languages must be mastered as demonstrated by a satisfactory score on one of the language tests recognized by the University.
Note: Applicants are responsible for any fees associated with the language tests.
Note: Doctoral courses are offered in French and/or English depending on the number of students admitted.
- The admission requirements listed above are minimum requirements and do not guarantee admission to the program.
- Admissions are governed by the academic regulations in effect for graduate studies.
Fast-Track from Master’s to PhD
Students enrolled in a Health Sciences research master’s program at the University of Ottawa (for instance, Nursing, Human Kinetics, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences) may be eligible to fast-track directly into the doctoral program without writing a master’s thesis, provided the following conditions are met:
- Achievement of an 80% (A-) average in your last two years of undergraduate studies (or exceptional professional experience);
- Completion of a minimum of 9 graduate course units with a grade of A- or better in each;
- Satisfactory progress in the research program;
- Written recommendation from the supervisor and the thesis advisory committee after successful completion of a master's proposal, where required;
- Approval by the graduate studies committee after evaluation of your file, including an academic curriculum vitae.
Note: The transfer must take place within 16 months of initial enrollment in the master’s. Following transfer, all requirements of the doctoral program must be met.
Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the 2024-2025 calendars for the previous requirements.
Students must meet the following requirements:
Code | Title | Units |
Compulsory Courses: 1 | ||
REA 7101 | Team Research and Interdisciplinary Methodology | 3 Units |
REA 7102 | Research Seminar on Individual Functioning and Rehabilitation Models | 3 Units |
REA 7103 | Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Seminar | 3 Units |
Optional courses: | ||
3 optional course units from the list of optional courses or 3 elective course units at the graduate level | 3 Units | |
Comprehensive Examination: | ||
REA 9998 | Comprehensive Examination | |
Thesis Proposal: | ||
REA 9997 | Thesis Proposal | |
Thesis: | ||
THD 9999 | Doctoral Thesis 2 |
- 1
The type and amount of coursework depends on your background (research experience and skills) and chosen field of research.
- 2
You are responsible for meeting all of the thesis requirements.
List of Optional Courses
Code | Title | Units |
ERG 5525 | Exploration de la participation occupationnelle | 3 Units |
ERG 5526 | Analyse de la participation occupationnelle | 1.5 Units |
ERG 5527 | Participation occupationnelle de l’enfant et l’adolescent | 1.5 Units |
ERG 5528 | Aspects sociopolitiques de la participation occupationnelle | 3 Units |
ERG 5722 | Perspectives théoriques et modèles en ergothérapie | 3 Units |
ERG 5754 | La recherche en ergothérapie | 3 Units |
ORA 6510 | Concepts d'orthophonie pertinents à l'audiologie | 3 Units |
ORA 6710 | Concepts d'audiologie pertinents à l'orthophonie | 3 Units |
PHT 5512 | Anatomie fonctionnelle du système musculo-squelettique | 3 Units |
PHT 5513 | Biomécanique clinique | 3 Units |
REA 7105 | Qualitative Research in Rehabilitation and Disability Studies | 3 Units |
REA 7900 | Directed Studies | 3 Units |
Minimum Requirements
The passing grade in all courses is C+.
Students who have two failures, either courses, the comprehensive examination or the thesis proposal, or whose research progress is deemed unsatisfactory, are required to withdraw.
Research Fields & Facilities
Located in the heart of Canada’s capital, a few steps away from Parliament Hill, the University of Ottawa is among Canada’s top 10 research universities.
uOttawa focuses research strengths and efforts in four Strategic Areas of Research:
- Creating a sustainable environment
- Advancing just societies
- Shaping the digital world
- Enabling lifelong health and wellness
With cutting-edge research, our graduate students, researchers and educators strongly influence national and international priorities.
Research at the Faculty of Health Sciences
Research at the Faculty involves many important aspects of health, including women's health, health in the elderly, health needs of francophones in a minority context, Aboriginal health, physical activity and health, multiple interventions in population health, palliative care, rehabilitation and functional autonomy, health and technology, and evidence based practice.
The Faculty of Health Sciences is involved in the following Research Centres and Institutes:
- LIFE Research Institute
- Music and Health Research Institute
- Centre for Research on Health and Nursing
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health
The Faculty of Health Sciences has strong collaborations with the region’s hospital-affiliated research institutes:
- The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
- The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
- The Bruyère Research Institute
- The Royal's Institute of Mental Health Research
- L’Institut du Savoir Montfort
- University of Ottawa Heart Institute
For more information, refer to the list of faculty members and their research fields on Uniweb.
IMPORTANT: Candidates and students looking for professors to supervise their thesis or research project can also consult the website of the faculty or department of their program of choice. Uniweb does not list all professors authorized to supervise research projects at the University of Ottawa.
In addition to the compulsory REA courses, students must complete an additional three-unit course. It is possible that the chosen course has a prerequisite and this may increase the number of units required. The additional course or courses can be taken outside of the Faculty of Health Sciences and will be identified by the thesis committee in consultation with the thesis supervisor.
The admission committee can request that the student take an additional 6 units based on the student’s previous training.
REA 5703 Pratiques professionnelles en réadaptation (3 crédits)
Préparation à l'entrée aux professions de la santé : lois et règlements; communication thérapeutique; pratique collaborative et interprofessionnelle.
Volet : Laboratoire, Cours magistral
REA 5940 Conversation anglaise pour les stages en réadaptation / English Conversation for Clinical Placements in Rehabilitation
Cours visant la préparation des étudiants en réadaptation pour l'intervention ayant lieu en anglais : relation d'aide, entrevue initiale, consentement aux soins, évaluation, intervention, congé et rédaction de notes de dossier à l'aide de la méthode SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan). La terminologie spécifique aux différents domaines de la réadaptation est abordée. Noté S (satisfaisant) ou NS (non satisfaisant). Cours réservé aux étudiants inscrits à l'un des programmes de maîtrise professionnels de l'École des sciences de la réadaptation. Il ne peut compter parmi les crédits requis pour le programme mais il pourra être imposé comme exigence additionnelle à l'admission. / Course aimed at preparing students to converse effectively with English-speaking colleagues and clients. Topics will include English terms and dialogue related to forming a therapeutic relationship, the initial interview, obtaining informed consent, assessment, intervention, discharge and the charting of notes using the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) method. Specific rehabilitation terminology will be presented. Graded S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not satisfactory). Course reserved for students registered in one of the professional master's programs within the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. Cannot be counted towards the units required for the student's program but may be specified as an additional requirement at admission.
Volet / Course Component: Cours magistral / Lecture
Permission du Département est requise. / Permission of the Department is required.
REA 6503 Pratique factuelle en réadaptation (3 crédits)
Étude appliquée de la pratique fondée sur les faits scientifiques en réadaptation.
Volet : Cours magistral, Séminaire
Préalable : ERG 5754 ou ORA 5520 ou PHT 5622 est concomitant à REA 6503.
REA 7101 Team Research and Interdisciplinary Methodology (3 units)
Challenges and solutions of working in interdisciplinary research teams using a patient-centered collaborative approach.
Course Component: Lecture
REA 7102 Research Seminar on Individual Functioning and Rehabilitation Models (3 units)
Relevance and discussion of current and past rehabilitation models of individual functioning.
Course Component: Lecture
REA 7103 Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Seminar (3 units)
Theoretical training and practical application of knowledge transfer and exchange principles.
Course Component: Lecture
REA 7105 Qualitative Research in Rehabilitation and Disability Studies (3 units)
Study of various qualitative methodologies, such as phenomenology and narrative studies, and their hybridization, as well as traditional and new research methods (including interviews, visual methods, and online data collection) within the context of rehabilitation and disability studies, with a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Course Component: Seminar
REA 7501 Recherche en équipe et méthodologie interdisciplinaire (3 crédits)
Défis et solutions de travail d'équipes de recherche interdisciplinaires dans le cadre d une approche collaborative centrée sur le client.
Volet : Cours magistral
REA 7502 Séminaire de recherche sur le fonctionnement de la personne et sur les modèles de réadaptation (3 crédits)
Pertinence et discussion des modèles de réadaptation présents et passés du fonctionnement de l'individu.
Volet : Cours magistral
REA 7503 Séminaire sur le transfert des connaissances (3 crédits)
Formation théorique et application pratique des principes de transfert et échange de connaissances.
Volet : Cours magistral
REA 7900 Études dirigées / Directed Studies (3 crédits / 3 units)
Approfondissement des connaissances dans un domaine d'intérêt particulier. Le sujet est déterminé et développé en consultation avec la directrice ou le directeur de thèse. Le travail remis dans ce cours doit être différent de ce qui a pu être soumis dans d'autres cours, y compris l’examen de synthèse et le projet de thèse. / In-depth study in an area of particular interest. The topic is selected and developed in consultation with the thesis supervisor. The work submitted for this course must be different from that submitted for other courses, including the comprehensive examination and the thesis proposal.
Volet / Course Component: Cours magistral / Lecture
Permission de l’unité académique est requise. / Permission of the Academic Unit is required.
REA 9997 Proposition de thèse / Thesis Proposal
La proposition de recherche du candidat doit avoir été soumise et acceptée avant la fin de la sixième session. Les étudiants rédigent leur proposition de thèse sous la supervision du directeur de thèse et la présentent et défendent oralement devant le CCT. Après la soutenance orale de la proposition de thèse, l'étudiant doit obtenir l'approbation déontologique (si requise) avant la collecte des données. La proposition doit normalement être soutenue au milieu de la deuxième année, et au plus tard, à la fin de la deuxième année au programme de doctorat. Un étudiant qui échoue à la première tentative de soutenance peut se voir accorder la permission de la répéter une seule fois. L'échec de la deuxième tentative mène à une note NS (non satisfaisant) et au retrait du programme. / The candidate's research proposal must have been submitted and accepted prior the end of the sixth session. Students write their thesis proposal under the guidance of their thesis supervisor and present and defend it orally before the TAC. After successfully defending the oral thesis proposal, the student must obtain ethics approval (if required) before proceeding to data collection. The proposal will normally have been defended towards the middle of the second year and, at the latest, by the end of that year. A student who is unsuccessful on the first attempt may be allowed to repeat it once. Failure on the second attempt leads to a grade of NS (Not satisfactory) and withdrawal from the program.
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research
REA 9998 Examen de synthèse / Comprehensive Examination
L'examen de synthèse a lieu une fois tous les cours réussis (habituellement à la fin de la première année pour les étudiants détenteurs d'une maîtrise). L'examen de synthèse permet aux étudiants de démontrer l'étendue et la profondeur des connaissances acquises lors des cours et de leurs lectures. Il devrait refléter leur capacité à intégrer divers concepts et théories reliés à leur domaine dans le contexte global des sciences de la réadaptation. Cet examen doit être présenté par écrit et soutenu oralement. L'examen doit être complété, au plus tard, avant la fin de la deuxième année suivant l'inscription initiale. Celui-ci comporte une partie écrite et une partie orale. Le CCT en assure l'évaluation. / The comprehensive examination takes place after successful completion of coursework (typically by the end of the first year for students admitted with a completed master's degree). The comprehensive examination allows students to demonstrate the depth and breadth of knowledge gained from readings and coursework, and it should be an indication of their ability to integrate concepts, principles and theories related to their area of interest within the larger context of rehabilitation sciences. In addition, the comprehensive exam requires students to defend their written work orally. It must be completed at the latest within two years of initial registration. It is a two-part examination (written and oral) that is overseen by the TAC.
Volet / Course Component: Recherche / Research