La maîtrise en administration des services de santé en ligne pour cadres (MASS pour cadres) de l’École de gestion Telfer de l’Université d’Ottawa (Telfer) est le premier et le seul programme de ce type au Canada qui conjugue de manière unique les soins de santé et la gestion. Il tire parti de votre expérience professionnelle et vous prépare à réussir en tant que leader stratégique et polyvalent dans le domaine des soins de santé.
Le programme est conçu pour cultiver les bases essentielles des systèmes de santé et de la gestion nécessaires à la réussite des cadres du secteur des soins de santé d’aujourd’hui. L’accent mis sur les données, la technologie, l’innovation, le leadership, y compris les aspects d’équité, de diversité, et d’inclusion (qui seront abordés dans les cours EHA 6212, 6361 et 6282), et les connaissances des politiques, permet d’acquérir des compétences avancées et très pertinentes pour vous aider à suivre le rythme du paysage réglementaire et des tendances du secteur de la santé. La MASS en ligne pour cadres de Telfer vous prépare à devenir un leader efficace dès aujourd’hui, tout en répondant aux exigences de demain dans le monde en constante évolution des soins de santé, d’un point de vue à la fois canadien et mondial.
- Un diplôme de baccalauréat ou l’équivalent, avec une moyenne minimale d’admission d’au moins B; dans des cas exceptionnels, l'exigence de diplôme peut être dispensée pour les candidats ayant plus de 10 ans d'expérience professionnelle.
- Module de Mathématiques en ligne de Harvard pour tous les candidats et le module de communication en ligne de Harvard pour les candidats internationaux. Les tests GRE/GMAT/MCAT sont également acceptés;
- Démontrer la maîtrise de l'anglais:
- Un score d'au moins 100 (sur Internet) ou 250 (sur ordinateur) au Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
- Un score d'au moins 7 dans au moins trois des quatre tests académiques de l'International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking) et d'au moins 6 dans le quatrième. Le test IELTS de formation générale n'est pas accepté.
- Une note d'au moins 14 au test CANTEST, administré par l'Université d'Ottawa, sans note individuelle inférieure à 4,0, ainsi qu'une note de 4,5 à la composante orale du test.
- Un score d'au moins 68 au Pearson Test of English (Academic) (PTE Academic).
4. Un minimum de 5 ans d'expérience en gestion;
5. Deux lettres de recommandation professionnelles.
Code | Title | crédits |
Cours obligatoires : | ||
EHA 5140 | Financial Accounting | 1.5 crédits |
EHA 5300 | Fundamentals of Data Analytics: Making Data Useful for Health Care Managers | 3 crédits |
EHA 5330 | Human Resource Management in Health Care | 3 crédits |
EHA 6203 | Program Evaluation for Health Care Managers | 1.5 crédits |
EHA 6212 | Governance and Ethical Management in Healthcare | 1.5 crédits |
EHA 6250 | Health Care Finance | 1.5 crédits |
EHA 6260 | Project Planning and Management | 1.5 crédits |
EHA 6315 | Quality and Performance Management in Health Care | 3 crédits |
EHA 6351 | Health Economics | 3 crédits |
EHA 6360 | Health Care in Canada in a Comparative Context | 3 crédits |
EHA 6361 | Organizational Behavior and Change in Health Care | 3 crédits |
EHA 6370 | Health Informatics | 3 crédits |
EHA 6380 | Quantitative Methods and Their Applications to Health Care | 3 crédits |
EHA 6381 | Leadership, Strategy and Innovation | 3 crédits |
EHA 6990 | Capstone in Health Care Management | 4.5 crédits |
La recherche à l’Université d’Ottawa
Située au cœur de la capitale du Canada, à quelques pas de la colline du Parlement, l’Université d’Ottawa se classe parmi les 10 meilleures universités de recherche au Canada. Notre recherche est fondée sur l’excellence, la pertinence et l’impact et s'effectue dans un esprit d'équité, de diversité et d'inclusion.
Notre communauté de recherche se développe dans quatre axes stratégiques :
- Créer un environnement durable,
- Promouvoir des sociétés justes,
- Façonner le monde numérique
- Favoriser santé et bien-être tout au long de la vie.
Qu'il s'agisse de faire progresser les solutions en matière de soins de santé ou de relever des défis mondiaux comme les changements climatiques, les chercheurs de l'Université d'Ottawa sont à l'avant-garde de l'innovation et apportent des contributions importantes à la société et au-delà.
La recherche à l’École de gestion Telfer
Veuillez consulter la liste des professeurs par champs d’expertise.
EHA 5140 Financial Accounting (1.5 unit)
Introduction to the foundations of financial accounting including theoretical aspects, the principles of financial reporting and preparation of financial statements and accounting for inventory and capital assets. Creation and interpretation of financial performance measurements.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 5160 Financial Analytics for Healthcare (3 units)
This course introduces key accounting and financial management concepts in healthcare, covering key topics such as financial reporting, budgeting, cost allocation, and decision-making as these apply specifically to healthcare organizations. Students will learn how healthcare executives use financial data to improve performance, through experiential learning involving case studies, real-life examples, and guest speakers.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 5300 Fundamentals of Data Analytics: Making Data Useful for Health Care Managers (3 units)
Analysis and data modelling skills, develop the ability to interpret large amounts of data and draw sound implications for the health care problem at hand, and to exhibit the usefulness of data analytics in health care problem solving and decision-making.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 5330 Human Resource Management in Health Care (3 units)
Focus on the major issues unique to effective health human resources management. Measuring needs and planning for the current and future supply of human resources. Recruitment, retention and development strategies to meet changing workforce conditions. Understanding the unique regulatory environments where professions are regulated by provincial laws and professional colleges. Labor relation issues and approaches in unionized environment. Funding, team work and inter-professional practice, scope of practice issues and organizational design. Interactions of organizational and professional accreditation mechanisms (such as professional colleges and associations, and accreditation bodies).
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6203 Program Evaluation for Health Care Managers (1.5 unit)
Provides students with an overview of planning, designing and conducting applied program evaluations, which are applicable in health care organizations and community settings. Topics include: types of evaluations; formulation of evaluation questions; evaluation designs, methodologies, and tools; evaluation results to different stakeholders, and critical appraisal of evaluation research and reports.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6212 Governance and Ethical Management in Healthcare (1.5 unit)
This course is designed to increase the understanding and skills of students in identifying and thinking through issues related to the governance of healthcare organizations and the ethical issues and practices required to ensure safe and effective healthcare delivery. Students will consider the relationship and accountabilities between governance structures such as the Board of Directors and executive leaders. The importance of an ethical framework to provide and ensure ethical approaches to decision making and problem solving in healthcare organizations will be explored. The impact of failure to create an ethical culture and its impact on employee engagement and organizational goals and outcomes will be considered through readings and case examples
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6250 Health Care Finance (1.5 unit)
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6260 Project Planning and Management (1.5 unit)
Introduction to program planning and management of health management projects. Program planning and management methods including management of a project throughout its life cycle (identification, design, planning, realization and close-out).
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6281 Leadership and Innovation in Health Care (1.5 unit)
Introduction to various leadership styles and concepts of innovation in complex health care environments. Topics include leadership behavior and innovation, relationship between leadership and resilience, knowledge and skills for effective team leadership and supporting innovation.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6312 Strategy, Governance, and Ethical Management in Health (3 units)
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6315 Quality and Performance Management in Health Care (3 units)
This course will apply concepts from the literature to analyze and understand quality management and patient safety issues, and discuss these concepts in relation to accountability. It will prepare students for the health care workplace by exposing them to practices and aspects related to patient safety and quality in health care, and by identifying contemporary approaches to address them. Various models and approaches for assessing and improving quality will be discussed, including evidence-based medicine and management, systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines, and quality improvement approaches. Various quality initiatives and quality improvement tools will be discussed and evaluated.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6351 Health Economics (3 units)
An economists’ perspective illuminating the systems behavior of Health-Care. Such insights inform strategies for managing/improving Health-care. The survey course introduces key concepts from economics (e.g., micro-economics, trade-offs, opportunity costs, efficiency, equity) that are pivotal to this illumination. The unique attributes of health-care (e.g., uncertainty of demand and information asymmetry) and the incentives (some perverse) that ensue are discussed. Indices of population health impact and their links to health economic valuation are covered, including cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost analysis.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6360 Health Care in Canada in a Comparative Context (3 units)
Overview of the Canadian health care system including its history and evolution with an emphasis on the relationship between federal government and the provincial/territorial systems. Current forces (e.g. societal, political, economic) that influence health care policy. Canadian system compared to international health care systems.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6361 Organizational Behavior and Change in Health Care (3 units)
Overview of organizational behavior and change in the health care context. Motivation, stress and stress management, group dynamics, power and negotiation. Leadership of change and different types of change that can be pursued in various contexts are considered.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6370 Health Informatics (3 units)
Overview of current developments, issues and challenges in the emerging field of health informatics, with an emphasis on the role it plays in health care transformation initiatives. Historical development and basic foundations of health informatics including theoretical, methodological and ethical/legal underpinnings will be studied. Management implications of health informatics.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6380 Quantitative Methods and Their Applications to Health Care (3 units)
Provide health care decision makers with an overview of several useful quantitative methods that can provide insight and support for complex decisions. Mathematical model formulation, linear programming and optimization, queuing theory and simulation modeling. Mathematical tools available to help optimally utilize the resources.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6381 Leadership, Strategy and Innovation (3 units)
Exercising leadership and developing a culture of innovation are critical foundational aspects of an executive’s role in any C-Suite of complex healthcare organizations. The course offers students an opportunity to understand the key aspects of Leadership and how leaders can foster a culture of Innovation based on research, theory and practice. Students will apply learned aspects in case studies that place them in the role of a chief executive in the C-suite, enabling them to experience first-hand the impact of their decisions and apply their learning.
Course Component: Lecture
EHA 6990 Capstone in Health Care Management (4.5 crédits / 4.5 units)
Designed to allow students to demonstrate and apply the skills and knowledge that they gained in the Executive Master of Health Administration program. The Capstone course offers students the opportunity to conduct thorough analysis and critical thinking, and research and present innovative ideas and solutions that address current challenges and needs in health care
Volet / Course Component: Cours magistral / Lecture