Le diplôme d'études supérieures en gestion de projets complexes (offert en anglais seulement) est destiné aux gestionnaires en action dont le travail implique le lancement et la gestion de grands projets s'étalant généralement sur de nombreuses années. Le contenu du programme est axé sur les principales compétences requises en matière de gestion et de direction de projet.
Le programme est régi par les règlements généraux en vigueur pour les études supérieures.
Pour connaître les renseignements à jour concernant les dates limites, les tests de langues et autres exigences d'admission, consultez la page des exigences particulières.
Le diplôme d'études supérieures en gestion de projets complexes lance une seule cohorte par cycle d'admission, soit en septembre de chaque année.
Pour etre considére pour l'admission au Diplôme d'études supérieures en gestion de projets complexes de l'École de gestion Telfer, tout candidat doit satisfaire aux critères suivants :
- Détenir un diplôme universitaire de premier cycle avec une moyenne d'au moins 70 % (ou une combinaison d'études et d'expérience professionnelle) ;
- Un minimum de 5 ans d'expérience professionnelle ;
- Entretien avec le directeur
- Une étude de cas Telfer
Exigences linguistiques
Les candidats doivent comprendre et parler couramment la langue d'enseignement du programme (anglais) dans lequel ils veulent s'inscrire. Une preuve de compétence linguistique en anglais peut être requise.
Ceux dont la langue maternelle n'est pas l'anglais doivent fournir une preuve de compétence linguistique tel que :
- Une note d'au moins 100 au «Test of English as a Foreign language» (TOEFL). Le TOEFL administer par l'Education Testing Service : www.toefl.org.
- Une note d'au moins 7a au moins trois des quatre épreuves du International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (lecture, écoute, rédaction, expression orale) et au moins 6 aux quatre epreuves. L'IELTS est administre par le British Council : www.ielts.org.
- Attestation de completion, au cours des cinq dernières années, d'un programme menant a un diplôme dans une université de langue anglaise.
- Attestation d'un séjour prolongé recent et de l'exercice d'une profession dans un pays anglophone (normalement pendant une période d'au moins quatre ans au cours des six dernières années.
Note : Les coûts des tests de compétences linguistiques devront être assumés par le candidat.
Les étudiants doivent suivre 15 crédits de cours pour obtenir le diplôme.
Apres avoir obtenu le diplôme en gestion de projets complexes, les étudiants peuvent transférer les crédits au programme de MBA pour cadres Telfer s'ils choisissent de poursuivre leurs études.
Code | Title | crédits |
Cours obligatoires | ||
CPL 5101 | Systems Thinking | 1.5 crédits |
CPL 5106 | Acquisition Strategies | 1.5 crédits |
CPL 5108 | Strategically Managing Risk | 1.5 crédits |
CPL 5109 | Business Planning and Cases: Methods and Implementation | 1.5 crédits |
CPL 5113 | Implementation of Complex Projects | 1.5 crédits |
CPL 5114 | Financial Analysis and Decision Making | 1.5 crédits |
CPL 5115 | Problem Solving in Complex Environments | 1.5 crédits |
CPL 5330 | International Study Tour | 1.5 crédits |
Cours au choix | ||
3 crédits de cours parmi (en consultation avec le personnel du programme) : | 3 crédits | |
Organizational Behaviour of Project Teams and of Project Team Systems | ||
Advanced Negotiations and Problem Solving | ||
Managing for Innovation | ||
Special Topics in Complex Project Leadership |
Durée du programme
Tous les étudiants doivent satisfaire aux exigences du programme dans un délai maximal de trois (3) ans à compter de leur admission.
Langue d'enseignement
Ce programme est offert uniquement en anglais, mais comme pour tous les programmes de l'école de gestion Telfer, les étudiants peuvent soumettre leurs travaux dans l'une ou l'autre des langues officielles.
Statut dans le programme
Le diplôme ne peut être completé qu'à temps partiel.
La recherche à l’Université d’Ottawa
Située au cœur de la capitale du Canada, à quelques pas de la colline du Parlement, l’Université d’Ottawa se classe parmi les 10 meilleures universités de recherche au Canada. Notre recherche est fondée sur l’excellence, la pertinence et l’impact et s'effectue dans un esprit d'équité, de diversité et d'inclusion.
Notre communauté de recherche se développe dans quatre axes stratégiques :
- Créer un environnement durable,
- Promouvoir des sociétés justes,
- Façonner le monde numérique
- Favoriser santé et bien-être tout au long de la vie.
Qu'il s'agisse de faire progresser les solutions en matière de soins de santé ou de relever des défis mondiaux comme les changements climatiques, les chercheurs de l'Université d'Ottawa sont à l'avant-garde de l'innovation et apportent des contributions importantes à la société et au-delà.
La recherche à l’École de gestion Telfer
Veuillez consulter la liste des professeurs par champs d’expertise.
CPL 5101 Systems Thinking (1.5 unit)
Resolution of complex problems requires holistic approaches, sophisticated thinking and pluralist methodologies. Foundational knowledge related to systems methodologies and their underpinning epistemologies that enable project managers to solve complex project problems in context.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5102 Self Realization and Personal Development (1.5 unit)
Enables students to understand and develop their ambitions/goals, their personality, their values, and how they tend to relate to others. Different methodologies for developing and changing as individuals. Awareness of cultural differences between countries, societies and/or organizations. Self-management decision-making to achieve satisfactory work-life balance.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5103 Strategic Management of Complex Projects and Programs (1.5 unit)
Implementation of long range strategies; contexts of high complexity and uncertainty; and emergent project outcomes in complex projects. Strategic and systems concepts and frameworks. Understanding strategic context and developing project strategies capable of delivering successful outcomes. Innovative and non-traditional development and delivery methodologies in meeting complex project challenges.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5104 Organizational Behaviour of Project Teams and of Project Team Systems (1.5 unit)
Project teams are key to project, program and portfolio success. There are different kinds of project teams and they interact with stakeholders and other teams in complex multi-level systems. Intra- and inter-team interdependencies, processes, emergent states, and how these relate to team and systems of teams effectiveness.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5105 Planning and Communicating Change Effectively (1.5 unit)
Change management and communication plans. Analyzing complex intra- and inter-organizational contexts. Understanding needs and characteristics of those targeted and impacted by change. Tailoring communication strategies.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5106 Acquisition Strategies (1.5 unit)
How various procurement methodologies, financing strategies, and ownership mechanisms best deliver value for money, deal with the risks and opportunities across the complete lifecycle and how this links to the acquisition business case. The need to deal with industry development objectives, the importance of robust cost estimation, and risk sharing strategies within a suitable governance framework.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5107 Laws, Regulations, Intellectual Property and Contracts (1.5 unit)
Complex projects in diverse legal environments and jurisdictions. Examination and interpretation of environments and frameworks to comply with legal obligations and minimize operational, legal and financial exposure. Definition of intellectual property requirements and arrangements vital to complex endeavours, especially in technologically advanced goods and services and across international boundaries.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5108 Strategically Managing Risk (1.5 unit)
Viewing, balancing and acting upon the risks that threaten success while exploiting opportunities emerging from uncertainty. Causes and potential solutions to recurrent underestimates of schedule and cost risk and overstatement of project benefits. Application of systemic thinking and advanced risk analytics with focus on realizing value and considering the incentives, penalties and opportunities associated with risk transfer and insurance.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5109 Business Planning and Cases: Methods and Implementation (1.5 unit)
Focus on planning for new projects or for substantial changes to existing projects using a business case approach. Topics include gap analysis, definition of expected outcomes and creation of cost-benefit models to support the proposed project. The use of management control systems as well as formative and summative evaluation models will be introduced.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5110 Advanced Negotiations and Problem Solving (1.5 unit)
Essential negotiation and problem solving skills, multi-party decision-making and conflict resolution in all phases of complex project management.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5111 Managing for Innovation (1.5 unit)
Innovation is key to economic development, and organizational and corporate performance. Successful implementation requires interaction between many different areas of expertise within organizations, and increasingly across organizational boundaries (e.g. in the context of open innovation). Examination of complex context and characteristics of innovations, familiarization of concepts and tools to facilitate innovation.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5112 Managing Contracts and Suppliers (1.5 unit)
Complex project leaders need to consider the maturity of industry to provide solutions, how strategic programs can be leveraged for long term industry development and how contractual relationships can be made effective. Exploration of how to select and manage long term strategic partners and the supply chain in critical industry sectors, with attention on developing, maintaining and securing the contractual relationships within and between project partners, paying particular attention to embedding trust as a core social relation in contracts.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5113 Implementation of Complex Projects (1.5 unit)
Exploration of differences between project, program and portfolio management. Implementation science and practice applied to complex projects, programs and portfolios.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5114 Financial Analysis and Decision Making (1.5 unit)
Financial planning and decision-making competencies in complex projects. Analysis of the financial position of contractors or alliance partners, cost estimation, life-cycle costing, investment appraisal, application of value for money criteria, project financing to raise and maintain the flow of project capital, budget and cash flow management over the project life and selection of protection mechanisms against foreign exchange rate or inflation fluctuations.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5115 Problem Solving in Complex Environments (1.5 unit)
Challenges in project or program leadership in chaotic and complex environments. Examination of complex projects from the point of view of creative problem solving processes, opportunity identification and implementation, entrepreneurial thinking at the individual, team, and larger system levels. Shift in leader mindset from challenges representing problems to problems representing opportunities.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5116 Stakeholder Engagement and Crisis Management (1.5 unit)
Strategic management of relationships with various stakeholders when risks become reality. Development of skills to identify potential issues and crisis areas within programs, to establish systems to understand stakeholder expectations, to manage the crisis process from issue identification through to implementing a crisis plan and debriefing, and demonstrate the importance of integrating communication and action plans as part of issues management.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5117 Leadership for Results (1.5 unit)
The project team's success depends on the style of leadership behaviour displayed by the project manager. Recognition and development of different styles of leadership behaviour, how each contribute to the success of the project team, depending on the circumstances in which they are displayed.
Course Component: Lecture
Prerequisite: CPL 5103.
CPL 5310 Human Factors in Complex Project Leadership (1.5 unit)
Students will describe and analyze an organization's teamwork, conflict, interactions, and influence among various team members and stakeholders. They will provide evidence-based analysis and recommendations to maximize collaboration and project success.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5320 Management, Governance, Performance (1.5 unit)
Students will examine an organization's management, governance and performance in complex projects/programs and help the organization improve.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5330 International Study Tour (1.5 unit)
Groups of students will examine organizations' capabilities in implementing complex projects/programs and help the organization improve.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5340 Complex Project Consultancy (3 units)
Using evidence-based practices, students will examine an organization in its entirety with regards to complex projects/programs and help that organization improve.
Course Component: Lecture
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 5100 level CPL courses.
CPL 5350 Seminars in Complex Project Leadership (1.5 unit)
Current issues facing applications in complex project management. Particular attention will paid to practitioner and scholarly knowledge by providing cutting-edge best practice and research-based evidence delivered by a mix of practitioners and scientists.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 5360 Lectures in Project, Program and Portfolio Management (1.5 unit)
Applying knowledge gained throughout the program, participants will deliver knowledge, expertise and experiences on complex project/program to community stakeholders.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 6100 Special Topics in Complex Project Leadership (1.5 unit)
Selected aspects of complex project leadership not covered by other graduate courses.
Course Component: Lecture
CPL 6300 Applications in Complex Project Leadership (1.5 unit)
Applications dealing with current advances in complex project leadership, not covered by other graduate courses.
Course Component: Lecture